We were up at 6 a.m. as usual after a fitful night’s sleep. MAC has developed a persistent cough and this disturbed both of us. Soon we were at breakfast and when MAC became vertical, her cough was better. We set off for the build site at about 8.30 a.m. and soon were preparing for a brick makingg demonstration. We needed gravel for this and had to use the hand crusher machine to fill up a wheel barrow with gravel, This contraption which is straight out of Rube Goldberg is put together from parts from an old Coca Cola bottling plant. By pushing a handle up and down, a large disc crushes the rocks into small gravel. It is sometimes necessary to put the residue through the crusher twice in order to get the correct grade of gravel for brick making. When the gravel was prepared we retired to where the brick making machine was and the gravel was mixed with sand and water to make a suitable consistency of mix. Aiden demonstrated how this consistency could be assessed by scrunching the...
Today we rose at 6 a.m. as usual but there was a significantly less amount of energy in our rising end MAC who had been coughing during the night definitely did not feel that good. We went to breakfast but there was a general feeling that everyone was feeling the pace of the heat and the workload. I felt really tired and drained. Nevertheless we proceeded to the site where the preparation for the application of stucco was well under way. We fixed a few small areas of the chicken wire which needed to be bedded against the bricks and then the stucco work started. This is back-breaking work and consists of filling a square board of wood on a short handle called a ‘hawk’ with stucco mixture which is the consistency of a thick gravy and then placing the hawk up to the wall and scraping off the stucco onto the wall with a ‘float’ or rectangular flat metal applicator and them smoothing it out over as much area as possible. This is not at all easy especially as the wall is rough ...
For those who would rather see the results of the CEB Micro House building and our other adventures in Belize as opposed to reading about them, MAC and I have a huge trove of photos and videos which I will find a way of incorporating into the blog as soon as possible However, the combination of an i-Pad, Google Chrome, my GoPro and other people’s images in various applications isn’t conducive to the posting of this media at the present location and with the existing resources so it will have to wait until I get home when a ‘downpour’ of images will appear in this blog. Here are some of my photos and videos of the CEB Micro-House Project. MAC will add hers in due course. Bob & MAC Build a House
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