Saturday February 29th 2020

Today the last day of February and Leap Day was partly cloudy and breezy but comfortably cool. We rose a bit late and did not rush to get ready. When we were ready we decided to walk into town to see the Street Art Festival which is a big deal in these parts and it did not disappoint.

On the way into the city we passed Spoonaz restaurant which was open so we decided to go in and have a small brunch. MAC had an affogato and I had a coffee and a chili-dog. We would come back later and buy some of their hot sauce.

We walked across the swing-bridge and into town where the festival was still setting u but already underway with many people on the streets. There were lots of stall with all kinds of local wares much of it from local craftsmen and women, for sale and the shops were all open wide. There were unusual artworks such as sawdust paintings and many children’s activities.

The festival which is one of the most important n the city has a fashion show, music from many bands, an art show, a pavement art competition and street wall art as well as much food. There are also local performers such as those people in their outlandish costumes and masks who march in the carnival parade and stilt walkers also in colorful costumes. The festival runs from about noon until 6 p.m. and then in the evening there is music and dancing until 10 p.m.

We walked the length of the street and MAC bought some books for the children back home one of which was signed by the author. She also entered a lottery for a tote bag and the entry required the entrant to read a passage from a book in local creole which she managed.

We sat and listened to the beat of a reggae band and had a couple of pastries. I also had a Guinness and Peanut ice cream, which was a first!! We sat for some time and watched the crowds who were obviously enjoying themselves in the pleasant weather and with the music and activities.

In late afternoon two large steel bands performed. A band of predominantly boys who were very good and then a band which was mostly girls who were even better. They actually played a movement from Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony!! They not only played really well but also danced and waved at the crowd and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Some of the players seemed to be as young as 8 or 10 years old which is amazing as the drums have little or no indication of where to strike them to produce a certain note. One performer had her i-Pad in the center of the drum with the music on it!!

The pavement art competition produced some incredible work. Each competitor was supplied with a bag with chalks and a t-shirt and took an area to sidewalk in front of a big bank building and created whatever they liked. The younger competitors made some great art and the older ones some amazing pictures.

Around 5 p.m. we decided  to return to the hotel via Spoonaz where we could have something to eat. We re-crossed the swing-bridge and found Spoonaz but the kitchen was already closed and they were not offering much in the way of food. So we walked on back to the hotel and eventually had dinner at the Stone Grill at the Radisson Hotel where the food is served, still cooking, on a hot stone. 

We had not heard from Kendris about the possibility of his taking us out on Sunday to Xunantunich (pronounced ‘Shoenantonitch’) which is in the far western part of Belize near the Guatemalan border and where there are many Mayan ruins. The trip would take us to see the zoo on the way and also through the capital city of Belize which is Belmopan. Belmopan was constructed as a new capital city in a safer location, after a hurricane devastated Belize City in 1961. Eventually we did hear that Kendris had quoted US$250 each for this trip which we felt was way over the top so we organized a similar trip with the people at the Radisson for a more reasonable price. This will mean an early start in the morning so soon after dinner we were in bed.

The Street Art Festival had given us a great experience of some of the culture of the country and a chance to see the Belizeans relaxing and enjoying  a fun day out in the city.


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