Update as of the end of 2019 and the start of 2020 and some Open Source Ecology philosophy.

"Build prep is happening for the CEB (Compressed Earth Block), Micro-house build in Belize - with foundation laid, soil delivered to the site, and our new Soil Mixer ready to be added to our pool of open source machines.

We are beginning the mixer build - at a cost of about $3k in materials for a one-step soil mixer which accepts raw soil, pulverizes it to a fine powder via hammer-mill action, adds a controlled amount of cement, and sprinkles in appropriate water content. Our machine would require 3 people to run. The price of the next comparable machine that does this is $48k operated by 15 people. Our goal is to normalize CEB construction as a practical and accessible way to do housing."

This is a nice description of the aims and philosophy of the organisation:

"We focus on collaboration and 100% open source tool-chains – allowing you to build viable products collectively in a small fraction of the time it would take to do on your own with YouTube videos as your only support.

It’s like a crash course for open hardware,You WILL learn, you WILL build relationships and friendships, you WILL have fun, and you WILL be blown away by what you’re capable doing – both collaboratively and alone.
Do they ALL look younger than us......?
We welcome young women and men of any age (!!) to dive right in – to push the limits of rapid learning – to explore the limits of what we all can do together- with open hardware technology – through open collaboration.
We focus on collaborative design – and this is our largest and most ambitious summer camp and build session to date. Building upon a decade of experience, hundreds of builds, and several product releases – we invite you to roll up your sleeves and contribute to the development of real technology that matters. For us – we’re interested in creating a rapid learning, practical experience – as practical skills are sorely missing in today’s digital world. So we decided to do something about it by offering a kind of experience that we only wished we got in college.
Join us for a fun experience that will shake your world, expand your mind, and reframe your definition of what’s possible. Upgrade your software (in your head), get out your open source tool kit for collaboration, and change the world!"
Sounds like a fun ride!!


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